Friday, April 10, 2015

Letters from Pothole Heaven

     The weatherman is forecasting a springlike day tomorrow, and after nearly two months of this:
it's nice to see the ground again with little green things poking up.
     Of course there's the happy upside to winter weather- snow days (unless, of course, you have children who would otherwise be in school). Snow day = sew day. I had lots of sew days.
     I took a workshop with Thomas Knauer and made a Braille quilt. Here's my Big Bang quilt. I really need to take a better picture, but I snapped this in a hurry to get it out to TK himself right after finishing it. The bright triangles spell out "star stuff" in Braille, and I have baby planets being born, which were fun to make. The quilting is a line from Carl Sagan's Cosmos, "We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands." I love, love, LOVE this little quilt!

     I finished a quilt top I started in a workshop with Anita Grossman Solomon in 2013. The pattern is Anita's Arrowhead, and since taking the picture, I have completed the remaining blocks and added a border. I made it longer than the pattern specified so it will cover my tall husband. This will go over our brown leather sofa.

     The snow considerately worked around my schedule so I was able to do a trunk show and lecture for Shoreline Quilters in Branford, Connecticut in early March. They got to meet Tacki, the Decorating Diva in all her tacky glory, but as I say on my web site, you have to invite me to speak at your guild to see her "in person". I have two guild events coming up in Massachusetts this month-
Linsey Woolsey Quilt Guild April 13th and Silver City on April 20th. I have a new kids pattern I'll be launching next week.  No picture until the big day itself.


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