Saturday, December 1, 2018

Where has the time gone?

     I could start by saying it's hard to believe I haven't posted since March, but honestly, it's very easy for me to believe that.   It's been a quieter year than usual - not a lot of quilt shows, and a long uncreative slump.
     Remember those Civil War reproduction churn dash blocks in my last post? They made it into a quilt I finished in September. I rented the longarm at Stitch Chicks in North Franklin, CT. for my first attempt at using a pantograph, and I'm quite pleased with the result.  I had to make a few extra blocks to get my layout symmetrical, and had enough Civil War scraps in my stash to have no repeating fabrics! The background fabric is a greyish purple, which made all the other colors pop! People who think Civil War reproduction fabrics are dull, take note!

     We adopted a new dog! We said a sad goodbye to little Rosie early this summer, and missed having a furkid around the house. Annie came all the way from Tennessee and is loving life in New England. Here she is the day after we got her, seeing the ocean for the first time.

And here she is relaxing.

 We're pretty sure she's part terrier, as she would love to chase squirrels if we'd let her off the leash, and boy, can she jump!  She loves to walk, and we've explored many squirrel-laden side streets in my neighborhood. She's a sweet-natured little girl who warms up to strangers in seconds, just not at HER house, where her watchdog skills come into play! One of these days I'll discover where she's hidden all her chewy toys. I don't even know if she knows!
     I finally finished a new quilt design and am working on writing up the pattern. I did it as a mystery with my Thursday night group, and it was fun to see it worked up in so many diverse fabrics. No pictures yet, but stay tuned.


  1. Glad to meet you. I found you through Bonnie Hunter and the giveaway of books by Carol Dean Jones. I love your quilt and I agree, the gray was just the right color to showcase the colorful blocks.
    Thanks for letting me enter the drawing.

  2. I can't find a way to enter the book giveaway

    1. My day to post is Dec 5th, I will have it up at midnight.

  3. Thank you for the chance to enter, I came here from Bonnie's site. I really like the Civil War quilt, and am impressed by it, Helen

  4. Annie is so adorable!!! And your Civil war quilt is lovely!!!! Thanks for sharing.
