Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'll take Theoretical Physics for $1200, Alex.

     After suffering from Jeopardy Deprivation for two days (no Jeopardy Monday night because of an -expletive deleted- football game, then last night it was pre-empted by a gubernatorial debate), I will be getting off the computer in a few minutes to plunk myself in front of the TV. This is when I get those nagging tasks out of the way; if it weren't for Jeopardy, my quilts would be eternally unbound, with dangling thread ends and embellishments of unwanted basting thread.
    Speaking of Jeopardy, check out this article and scroll down to see original host Art Fleming's sartorial splendor!
     So- now that we've got that out of the way, back to the rapidly approaching Craft-a-Thon.
I will be donating an e-pattern of the winner's choice:
Roundabout- multi-size pattern

Brianna's Pinwheels- multi-size pattern
Cakemix- 68" square

All of these e-patterns are available on Craftsy, or you can purchase a paper pattern from my web site.

      Christmas is rapidly approaching, and Beth Helfter of EvaPaige Quilt Designs has donated a copy of "Mod-ified Trees". I love this modern take on a traditional motif.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

One week to go. You can't win if you don't play...

...and unlike the lottery, it will cost you nothing to play.

     One week from tonight is the Craft-a-Thon. I personally can't wait, because I am sooooo bored with bad television, and I enjoy spending those couple of hours stitching as much as I hope you do.
    Why did I decide to offer prizes? Think of them as my birthday present to you. I just had a birthday. It was a Big One, and this is my way of celebrating.

Tonight I'm featuring TWO prizes:

     Next Sunday night one lucky winner will receive this Halloween Monster Flag & Bag pattern designed by Kristi Parker of Chicken Soup Designs. I've seen the actual flag on Kristi's pattern cover "in person", and it is beyond adorable. The "monster" is so cuddly and friendly!

    Another prize is a pattern by Barbara Douglas of Stone Cottage Quilts. Can this Gingerbread Cookie runner be any sweeter? It reminds me to start stockpiling ingredients for cookie baking season!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Prizes. We have prizes. (or...What is a Craft-a-Thon, and why should I attend?)

Autumn in New England- my beautiful red maple

    Those of you who know me well,  know that there are no sports fans in this house. So, come Super Bowl Sunday, you know where you will NOT find us. Convinced I was not the only artist, crafter, sewist, stitcher, cake decorator, or what-have-you who wouldn't be watching the game, a couple of years ago I decided to create a Facebook event I called "The First Annual Superbowl Sunday Craft-a-Thon". I thought it would be fun for a bunch of us to spend Sunday evening working on our projects and sharing pictures of what we're making. It was so successful that I did another Craft-a-Thon that summer, and later a Second Annual Superbowl Sunday Craft-a-Thon".

     With the fall and winter holidays just around the corner, I decided it would be a good time for yet another one. This time I'm taking it to the next level. I decided to offer a couple of prizes- one or two of my patterns, and some lovely fabrics courtesy of Island Batik. "Hey", I thought, "If two or three prizes are good, wouldn't more prizes be better?" So I humbly asked shamelessly begged some of my small-business-owning buddies in the quilting world to donate a little prize and...every one of them agreed! They went above and beyond. As word got out, I had more people/companies offering to donate.
     So...we have prizes. Every day between now and October 26th I will feature one or more of the prizes, either on this blog and/or on Facebook. You must participate in the Craft-a-Thon to have a chance of winning. By "participate", I mean you must join us on Facebook that night.

     How do you win a prize? For being (just an example) the seventh person to log on, or the third to share a picture, or the first to mention you are in your get the idea. I'm going to have a list of silly and not-so-silly criteria that will NOT be announced beforehand, so everyone has an equal a shot as I can give you. You won't know until you win. Some of you will be picked at random by my in-house "Bingo caller".
"Kiss Me Quick" pattern by Judabelle Quilts
Today's featured prize is a pattern, courtesy of Judy Damon of Judabelle Quilts, titled "Kiss Me Quick!" This lovely pattern can be made from a jelly roll or 2 1/2" strips cut from your stash. Judy often includes a bonus project in her patterns, and "Hugs and Kisses Table Topper" is the bonus in this pattern.

     What does one work on at a Craft-a-Thon? Whatever you wish. You have permission (not that you should need it) to spend a couple of hours of your busy life working on whatever craft fuels your passion or feeds your soul.
  How about spending the time making something for others?

Make a simple quilt or afghan for Project Linus.

Cut fabric for a Quilt of Valor.

Knit a hat or scarf for Christmas at Sea.

Make some small kennel quilts for The Quilt Pattern Magazine's  Kennel Quilt Team.

Make a batch of cookies to bring to the gang at work Monday morning.

Going over the river and through the woods for Thanksgiving dinner? How about a table runner or apron for your hostess?

Get a head start on your fruitcakes.

Make a "Frozen" Halloween costume, so your daughter or granddaughter or niece can be Elsa for the evening, just like 40,000,000 other little girls!

See you Sunday, Oct. 26, 7:00 pm, EST (or whenever I get on Facebook- time is approximate, but you can start the party earlier without me). We'll keep going until.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Falling into Fall

Wow! I just realized my last post was in March, and it is now October. What was I doing (besides NOT blogging)?
Other than the "real" job,  I did a trunk show...

taught a bunch of classes locally...

Pictured is Five Yard Dash; not a new pattern, but everyone who takes this class loves it. It only takes five 1-yard pieces of fabric and makes a 56" x 68" quilt- a great size for a big lap quilt for everyone on your gift list. It's awesome in batik.

vended at four quilt shows...

This was my booth at the New England Air Museum. The thought of actually flying in this 1949 Kaman helicopter prototype is seriously scarey!

designed a couple of new patterns, among them Living a Charmed Life...

and Locked Blocks...

and have two more vending events this year.

This weekend I will be at the 19th Annual Quilt and Needle Arts Show in East Haddam, CT, and October 25th I will be at the annual gathering of the Greater Hartford Quilt Guild.